May 2018 |
Anti-Doping in Sports Conference |
May 2017 |
Ethics in Innovation Conference Series Press Release |
17 May 2017, Press Release
Innovation 4.0: Shaping a humane fourth industrial revolution
17. Mai 2017, Pressemitteilung
2017 |
Interview with WFEB President Rajita Kulkarni |
United Nations Organizations in Bonn, Germany hosted WFEB President Rajita Kulkarni in a TV-style talk called ‘7 minutes of discussion’ at the “Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development”.
2nd March 2017
2014 |
For media reports from the 2014 World Summit on Ethics in Sports please visit |
Christoph Glaser über Nachhaltigkeit und sein Fußballherz 3 Januar 2015 read full article…
IAHV Sea of Love Magazine South East Asia December edition 2014 read full article… Bahrain News Agency “Shaikh Nasser to address World Summit on Ethics in Sports” 17.03.2014 – 08:25 PM read full article… Gulf Daily News “Shaikh Nasser to speak at Summit” 18.03.2014 read full article… New Europe Business as usual or a new basis for ethical leadership? by Jo Leinen Date: 11.02.2014 – 11:41 read full article… New Europe Restore human values & prevent violence against women by Bhanumathi Narasimhan Date: 19.01.2014 – 21:26 read full article… The Kathmandu Post Enterprises should earn trust: Regmi Date: 18.01.2014 read full article… The Himalayan Times Businesses need to follow ethics: Experts Date: 17.01.2014 read full article… Republica A wealthy life bySri Sri Ravi Shankar Published on 2014-01-18 08:56:56 read full article…2013 |
World Forum for Ethics in Business calls on private sector to take forward shared value practices read full article…
World Forum for Ethics in Business announces Ethics in Business Award Winners 2013 read full article… Internationaal Symposium over ethiek in bedrijfswereld strijkt neer in Brussel Date: 06 november 2013 read full article… Business and society bySri Sri Ravi Shankar Date: 10/11/2013 – 11:46am read full article… Towards Inspired Leadership By Rajita Kulkarni President World Forum for Ethics in Business Each of us is a leader. Whether it is at home, at work or in our communities. Each of us leads in some way… read full article… “El mundo está cambiando» – Interview with Mr Luis Moreno Ocampo at the International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business in Geneva” (in Spanish and German)” Date: 02 July 2013 Von Xenia Keller und Marco Di Giano “Die Welt verändert sich”: International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business Ein neues Paradigma für die Wirtschaft Am 1. Juli 2013 fand in Genf, im “Palais des Nations” der Vereinten Nationen (UNO), ein internationales Symposium zum Thema “Ethik in Business” statt. Organisiert vom “Weltforum für Ethik in Business” ( Angesichts der globalen Wirtschaftskrise und sozialen sowie Umweltproblemen, man denke beispielsweise an den jüngsten Einsturz einer Textilfabrik in Bangladesch, werden die Rolle der Wirtschaft und ihr Paradigma des ständigen Wachstums und der rücksichtslosen Gewinnmaximierung zunehmend in Frage gestellt… read full article… “GOOD GOVERNANCE AND TRANSPARENCY THROUGH SHARED VALUES – Leella Rani. Dondapati” Date: 02 July 2013 International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business’ was conducted for the first time in United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, by World Forum in Ethics in Business on July 1, 2013… read full article… “Moramo se premakniti od vprašanja, kdo je večji in močnejši, k vprašanju, kaj in kako lahko storimo skupaj” Date: 02 July 2013 Svetovni forum za poslovno etiko (WFEB), ki je v partnerstvu s Fokusom 2031 pred časom na Bledu pripravil konferenco o etiki v poslovanju, me je tokrat povabil v Ženevo, kjer so pripravili simpozij na temo “dobro upravljanje in transparentnost prek skupnih vrednot”… read full article… “Foro mundial por la ética en los negocios” Foro mundial (en inglés) por la ética en los negocios el 01.07.13., en el Palacio de Naciones Unidas, GINEBRAS. Entre los oradores Luis Moreno Ocampo (Argentina), Procurador Corte Penal Internacional. Date: 01 July 2013 “Good governance and transparency through shared values” In recent years, the global economic crisis with major financial, social and environmental challenges … read full article… “What crisis?” Editorial from Mr Rutger Koopmans, recipient of the Ethics in Business Award in 2007. Date: 03 June 2013 Publication: New Europe newspaper Many people ask themselves: “When is this crisis over?”. “Which crisis?”, is my first response to this… read full article… “Ethical Leaders Can Save the Day” Editorial from Mr Shantanu Prakash, CEO & MD, Educomp Solutions Ltd, on the World Forum for Ethics in Business activities Date: 28 April 2013 Publication: New Europe newspaper Corruption charges such as that on Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, business scandals such as the Horsemeat scandal spread across Europe and the recent happenings in Cyprus have brought to the forefront once again issues that have been a concern for the world in general for a long time. What has been surprising is that despite global attention on the issue of ethics post the financial meltdown in 2008-09, these incidents keep coming up with increasing regularity… read full article… “The right time really is now” Editorial from Mr Alojz Peterle, MEP, on the World Forum for Ethics in Business Symposium in Slovenia Date: 14 April 2013 Publication: New Europe newspaper How to prevent future crisis? What can we learn from today’s situation? Important questions for Slovenian and also world economy. We were searching for the answers to those questions at the conference Ethics in Business and Leadership, “The Time is Right, Now!”, organized by World Forum for Ethics in Business in cooperation with Fokus 2031… read full article… President of the Republic attends conference Ethics in Business and Leadership – “The Time is Right, Now!” Title: President of the Republic attends conference Ethics in Business and Leadership – “The Time is Right, Now!” Publication: Date: Bled, 22. 3. 2013 | press release Source: The President of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, attended the conference Ethics in Business and Leadership – “The Time is Right, Now!” at the invitation of the World Forum for Ethics in Business and the think-tank Fokus 2031. The conference was organised by the IEDC – Bled School of Management; it originates from the International Symposium on Ethics in Business, an annual event which brings together prominent leaders from business, politics, academia, civil society and faith-based organisations at the European Parliament… read full article… Media Coverage from the National Symposium on Ethics in Business in Slovenia, March 2013 24 (biggest and most visited Slovenian website – news portal) National TV (Odmevi – one of the most important TV news shows) (at 16:55 minutes) Dnevnik (second biggest Slovenian newspaper) Slovenian Press Agency Information on the website of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia Website of Etika Company The New Europe issue from 17th February carries an editorial contribution from Dr. Sanjay Pradhan Title: Open Contracting: Towards a smarter way of doing business Publication: New Europe / The European Political Newspaper Date: 17 February 2013 Author: Dr. Sanjay Pradhan Open Contracting: Towards a smarter way of doing businessWe live in unsettling times, where the effects of a persistent global fi-nancial crisis and corporate and government scandals call into questi-on the viability of capitalism as we know it. read full article… A crisis of ethics Title:A crisis of ethics Publication: New Europe / The European Political Newspaper Date: 17 February 2013 Author:By Nirj Deva MEP Over the past five years we have played witness to an unfoldingeconomic crisis, the consequences of which have been felt, toone degree or another, by us all globally.Here in Europe vast bailouts and financial relief packages have become remarkably common as blocks of nation states teeter onthe verge of an economic and social abyss. read full article…2012 |
Volkswagen gewinnt internationalen Nachhaltigkeits-Preis Title: Volkswagen gewinnt internationalen Nachhaltigkeits-Preis Publication: Auszeichnung des World Forum for Ethics in Business für verantwortungsvolles Handeln in den Bereichen Umwelt und Soziales Wolfsburg, 18. Dezember 2012 – Der Volkswagen Konzern ist für sein umfassendes Engagement auf dem Gebiet Nachhaltigkeit und Corporate Social Responsibility erneut ausgezeichnet worden. Das World Forum for Ethics in Business würdigte die Leistungen des Konzerns mit dem Ethics in Business Award 2012 in der Kategorie “Outstanding Corporation”… read full article…
Reviving human values in business Title: Reviving human values in business Publication: New Europe / The European Political Newspaper Date: 07 December 2012 Author: Cillan Donnelly The World Forum for Ethics in Business (WFEB) held its international leadership symposium on business ethics in the European Parliament in Brussels on 30 November. The symposium, which was entitled Rethinking Capitalism, brought together top business leaders and political figures to discuss the strengthening of human values and ethics in the business world, and how to shift the debate from advocacy to action… read full article… International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business 2012: Brussels, 5thDecember 2012 – It was a fully packed plenary hall at the European Parliament when the World Forum for Ethics in Business (WFEB) convened for its 8thInternational Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business from 30thNovember – 1stDecember in Brussels. Held in cooperation with its strategic partners The World Bank Institute, International Association for Human Values and the Earth Charter, WFEB’s conference brought together stakeholders from across all sectors (business,politics, academics, institutions, media, inter-faith leaders) to debate on the burning topic of ‘Rethinking Capitalism’… read full article… Rethinking capitalism Title: Rethinking capitalism Publication: New Europe / The European Political Newspaper Date: 02 December 2012 Author: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Rethinking Capitalism is essential today. In these times of economic recession, people are losing faith in the economic system. It is an earnest need of our time to re-instill the faith in our current system otherwise it will lead to anarchy. To re-establish faith and trust in the economic system, we need a holistic moral and ethical revival including all the four essential pillars of society: the Government Institutions, Private and Civil Society Organizations, Faith Based Organizations and the Media. We need to foster a coordinated effort amongst these stakeholders. If any one of these pillars collapses, the others also become disabled… read full article… Personal ethics not enough to fight global corruption Title: Personal ethics not enough to fight global corruption Publication: New Europe / The European Political Newspaper Date: 03 December 2012 Author: New Europe Online Individual ethics are not enough to change the culture of global corruption, despite their obvious force for good in modern business, instead, business organisations have to provide a clear ethical context for companies to operate within, a leading legal personality has told New Europe… read full article… Rethinking capitalism The European Parliament will host the World Forum for Ethics in Business’ eight international Leadership Symposium with a much-awaited debate on a value-based approach to capitalism… read full article… Business and Ethics complementary or contradictory? – Final year business student, Arunachalam Venkatachalam shares his impressions The World Forum For Ethics in Business (WFEB), a platform for global business leaders to advance the agenda for responsible business-led growth, was held in Singapore on 2 April 2012 at the Shangri-La Hotel. Held in Asia for the first time, the theme focused on “Ethics in Business and Leadership, The Time is Right, Now!”… read full article… Mr. Nirj Deva

2010 |
MEDIA ALERT: World Forum for Ethics in Business Award MEDIA ALERT: World Forum for Ethics in Business Award for outstanding public figure awarded to: HE Andris Piebalgs, The European Commissioner for Development… read full article…
In search for new leadership models The European Parliament, Brussels, will host the World Forum for Ethics in Business’ 7th Annual International Leadership Symposium Brussels, 7th November, 2010 – “Leadership in the 21st Century – Time for a Paradigm Shift?!” is the theme of the 7th International Leadership Symposium on Ethics in Business, being hosted at the European Parliament in Brussels and the Hilton Hotel, on November 18th and 19th, 2010… read full article… Ethics in Business – The time to change is now! Seven point plan proposed Brussels, 19th November, 2010 – 400 delegates, 25 ambassadors and MP’s from various countries, corporate heads, and businessmen gathered at the European Parliament on November 19, 2010 and in a live telecast appealed to citizens across the globe to rise against increasing corruption in the world… read full article… Für eine gerechtere Welt Source: Yoga Journal Date: 12.11.2010 Country, Language: Germany, German Mit der weltweiten Finanzkrise ist es einmal mehr deutlich geworden: In der Wirtschaft muss ein Umdenken geschehen. Es ist notwendig, dass ethische Grundsätze wieder einen höheren Stellenwert bekommen. Um diesem Ziel ein Stück näher zu kommen, findet zum siebten Mal das World Forum for Ethics in Business statt. Bei dem jährlichen Symposium im Europäischen Parlament in Brüssel treffen Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und religiösen Organisationen zusammen. Es werden neue Führungsstile besprochen, die nachhaltig und profitabel zugleich sein sollen. Dieses Jahr werden rund 400 internationale Teilnehmer erwartet… read full article… NEXT Publisher wins World Forum ethics award Source: 234Next, Nigerian News Service Date: 19.11. 2010/ 20:14 Country, Language: Nigeria, English The World Forum for Ethics and Business based in Belgium has awarded the publisher of Next, Dele Olojede, this year’s Ethics in Business Award in the outstanding individual category. The award is an annual prize conferred by the World Forum for Ethics… read full article… NEXT publisher honoured Source: Online Nigeria Country, Language: Nigeria, English The World Forum for Ethics and Business based in Belgium has awarded the publisher of NEXT, Dele Olojede, this year’s Ethics in Business Award in the outstanding individual category. read full article… Ravi Shankar enthrals European Parliament Source: Humsafar News Service Date: 23 November 2010, 7:47 am Country, Language: India, English “‘Art of Living’ founder takes global anti – corruption issue to world leaders” Brussels, November 21, 2010: 400 delegates, 25 ambassadors and MPs from various countries, corporate heads, and businessmen gathered at the European Parliament on Friday and in a live telecast appealed to citizens across the globe to rise against increasing corruption in the world. read full article… Forum mondial pour l’éthique dans les affaires à Bruxelles Source: Observateur Group Date: 24.11.2010 Country, Language: Republic of the Congo, French Culture d’entreprise : l’argent ne peut remplacer les valeurs… read full article… Sri Sri Ravi Shankar put a smile on faces at the EP Source: European Parliament Journal, Events & People, Edition 283 Date: 24.11.2010 Country, Language: Belgium, English The Art of Living at the Parliament: 300 million volunteers worldwide The trays of sandwiches awaiting us in front of meeting room A5E2 on 17.11 testified of the humane spirit reigning the event. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, an internationally known spiritual personality, founder of one of the largest NGO worldwide, turns out to be a delicately built Indian with a dark beard, radiating compassion and wisdom. read full article… NEXT Publisher wins World Forum ethics award Publication (source): ECR TV, European Parliament Date: 24.11.2010 Country, Language: Belgium, English2009 |
MCM’s Sung-Joo Kim collects major ethics award – 09/11/09 Source: ©The Moodie Report By Mary Jane Pittilla, Brands Editor read full article…

2008 |
You are what you are, not what you have Title: Sein statt Haben Publication: Sonntag Aktuell Date: 30 November 2008 Country, Language: Germany, German Author: Uwe Roth Hans Martin Schempp, an entrepreneur from Ostfildern, is happy about the financial crisis. It forces people to re-think things. At least this is what he hopes. Every year, he meets people in high positions who agree with him: managers do not need new rules but new ethics. read full article…

2007 |
‘Durf te dromen en toon meer respect’, Het Parool, The Netherlands, 11 December 2007 DARING TO DREAM LEADS TO RESPECT Mike Van Damme LAST WEEK he was still in India on a trade mission in the company of, among others, five Dutch Deputy Mayors, including Lodewijk Asscher of Amsterdam. Then Rutger Koopmans, the ING head of medium-sized business and chairman of the Dutch – India Chamber of Commerce, received a telephone call from Brussels. “I was invited to a congress to give a speech on ethics, but they also asked if I would be able to attend a dinner, in order to receive an award…” read full article… Normen en warden in de bancaire sector, Het Financieele Dagblad, The Netherlands, 3 December 2007
English Translation: Normen en waarden in de bancaire sector Newspaper: Het Financieele Dagblad, The Netherlands Date: 3 December 2007 Norms and Values in the Banking Sector 3 December 2007, Het Financieele Dagblad, The Netherlands Brussels – Rutger Koopmans, a board member of ING Wholesale Banking and chairman of the Netherlands – India Chamber of Commerce, was presented with the Ethics in Business Award in Brussels. The award is given by the International Association for Human Values, Europe… read full article…